Registration opens for the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022

Source(s): United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific Australia - government
Brisbane skyline

Registration for the much-anticipated Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2022 is now open.

Convened by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the APMCDRR will be hosted by the Australian Government in Brisbane, from 19 to 22 September 2022, under the theme of ‘From Crisis to Resilience: Transforming the Asia-Pacific region’s future through disaster risk reduction.’

The APMCDRR is the most important regional gathering focused on increasing cooperation around the implementation of the globally endorsed Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, a 15-year roadmap for reducing disaster risk and losses.

Four years since the last ministerial conference and amid the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, this APMCDRR comes at a critical time for the Asia-Pacific region.

As the region most impacted by disasters, the Asia-Pacific has the most to gain from preventing disasters or reducing their impacts. Over the last 20 years the region has suffered the highest number of disaster events in the world. It is home to 70% of all people who have been displaced by disasters and was also the first to feel the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the region is on a trajectory of experiencing more extreme weather events as a result of climate change.

These disasters impact all countries, but the ones that suffer the most are Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries, where one disaster can wipe away decades of development gains, thus increasing humanitarian needs and pushing people into poverty.

The APMCDRR is an opportunity for the region to come together, guided by the Sendai Framework and the region’s own Action Plan 2021-24. This will enable strengthening of cooperation and actions to accelerate risk reduction, and boost resilience building and prevention activities focused on saving lives and livelihoods.

Those key areas constitute the APMCDRR’s three core pillars: Investing in Resilience and Preparedness; Shock-proofed Infrastructure and Systems; and Resilient Communities.

A key outcome of the APMCDRR will be the release of the Brisbane Declaration, which will confirm the region’s commitment to achieving the Sendai Framework by 2030.

While a ministerial-level conference, the APMCDRR is also open to those with an interest in or a link to disaster risk reduction, including civil society, academia, the private sector and local communities. Those with ideas and innovative solutions on how disasters can be prevented or reduced are encouraged to register and apply to host an event by 22 May 2022. 

For more information on how to register to attend the APMCDRR as a delegate or media representative, or to host an in-person or virtual event, please visit the conference website.

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