Children and Youth as Agents of Change for Disaster Resilience: Empowering Young People in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Action Through Policy, Education, and Innovation
Children and young people make up more than half of the world's population. More than 60 percent of the world's youth population is within the Asia-Pacific region, thus uniquely positioned to lead in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate action. This is particularly crucial as the region is the most affected by climate change, with over 140 disasters impacting more than 64 million people in 2022.
Given that children and youth are among the most vulnerable groups in the face of disasters, their involvement in DRR and climate action is not just necessary, but imperative. In alignment with the Sendai Framework and Youth 2030 agenda, governments, the UN, schools, and other stakeholders, including young people themselves, are actively responding to the needs, mitigating the risks, and building more resilient communities.
In China, Indonesia, and Malaysia, together with UNICEF and other partners, children and young people are not just participants but catalysts in building resilience. They are empowered through education, strengthening of comprehensive school safety, platforms to promote innovations such as UAVs and satellites, and develop inclusive policies and mechanisms for DRR and climate action.
Responding to the Sendai Framework and Youth 2030, NDRCC and UNICEF China Office has been making efforts on supporting young people as catalyst, through such innovations as UAV and satellites, for disaster risk reduction and resilience building. Supported by Peaceland Foundation, they have empowered young local community workers and young emergency managers to contribute towards disaster risk reduction and to leaving no one behind.
As part of the coalition in Indonesia, UNICEF Indonesia, Plan International, World Vision, and Predil<t have established programs to promote children and youth engagement and leadership in DRR and climate action. A number of youth have been successfully transformed into agents of change and champions of DRR and climate action by children & youth-led research, capacity building, and actions, including the development of child-cantered contingency planning, creation of an early warning tool for floods, waste management, and green businesses, as well as national campaign and policy dialogue to support local and national government in establishing more gender sensitive and inclusive decision making for DRR and climate action.
Since 2021, UNICEF Malaysia has been supporting the National Disaster Management Agency (NAOMA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in developing modules and activities on disaster risk reduction for school children. The outcome is an increased awareness amongst students on disaster risk reduction and empowering them as agents of change within their community. At the same time, to strengthen disaster response within the education sector, NAOMA and MOE is developing emergency response plan.
This partner event will highlight these countries' diverse expertise and experience, all of which place young people at the centre of their work in DRR and climate action. The event speakers from the government and different sectors, including youth themselves, will showcase how empowering and engaging young people creates more impact today and for the future of resilient communities.
- Wan Marhafidz Shah Bin Wan Mohd Omar, Director of Mitigation Section, National Disaster Management Agency Malaysia (NAOMA)
- Ministry of Education Malaysia
- Prudential Indonesia (private sector)
- Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) representative of Indonesia (youth)
- Comprehensive Risk Monitoring and Early warning Center, NDRCC, MEM China
- Drone Remote Sensing Division, NDRCC, MEM China
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For more information, please visit: ren%20in%20a%20changing%20climate.%20Youth%20Voices%20from%20the%20frontline.pdf
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Organized by
National Disaster Reduction Centre, Ministry of Emergency Management (NDRCC, MEM China) UNICEF China, Peaceland Foundation Children in Changing Climate Coalition Indonesia (The Coalition - CCCC Indonesia) Plan International Indonesia World Vision Indonesia (WVI) UNICEF Indonesia National Disaster Management Agency Malaysia (NAOMA) Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) UNICEF MalaysiaContact
Wan Marhafidz Shah Bin Wan Mohd Omar, Director of Mitigation Section National Disaster Management Agency Malaysia (NADMA), email: [email protected]