Enhancing Capacity and Resources for Local Resilience
Local officials often face unique challenges due to limited human and financial resources and yet they have substantial responsibilities to ensure that risk reduction measures are designed and implemented. Unlike at the national level, where there are often distinct ministries responsible for disaster management, environment, and finance, among others, at the local level these tasks are often filtered down to a small team or even one individual who oversees the entire portfolio. As a result, the capacity to act is spread thin across various areas. Budget constraints further exacerbate these challenges, limiting the financial resources available for implementing necessary actions.
Identifying and scaling up measures to ensure sufficient local capacities is a top priority in most countries in the region, including, but not limited to financial and human resources. In order to build those capacities, the session will highlight best practices from across the region in capacity building opportunities, conducting assessments of local resilience initiatives, and streamlining the connections between ministries and organizations at the national, regional, and global level to reduce the pressure on local officials who are responsible for many different portfolios with very limited resources.